Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Travel through time by yourself!

Travel through time
By yourself

What do you think ?? is it possible to travel through time by yourself without NASA ?? this idea I get  through my life. I feel sometime the time is slow and sometimes the time is fast and that is a fact we all feel  what's the reality of this feeling ?? I found that 's the activities you don't enjoy the time is moving slow and the activities you enjoy the time is moving so fast!

 that is being observed during running especially if you asked Haile Gebrselassie (famous-long-distance-runner ) what do you think of time during running till the end he will say time is fast! if you ask a normal runner what do you think of time during running ?? he will said time is normal the same as in the life if you ask a beginner runner what do you think of time during running he will said time is so slow !

life is like running if  you run  fast and enjoy what you do you will feel the time is fastand if you run  slow and feel bored you will  feel time is slow and you will not achieve something worth! so enjoy every minute of your life run fast you can penetrate the time if someone achieve something  in 30 years you will achieve it in 10 years and after 30 years you  will be in the other world, future 's world!so travel through time work hard be self-confident, believe in your self enjoy your work,learn too much, travel trough time

"Learn to enjoy every minute of your life. Be happy now. Don't wait for something outside of yourself to make you happy in the future. Think how really precious is the time you have to spend, whether it's at work or with your family."

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