Thursday, October 4, 2012

how to deal with stress and anxiety

how to deal with stress and anxiety

stress and anxiety are only important to get you out of danger or keep you safe from threats that treaten your physical or emotional well-being in that situations only , stress and anxiety are important in others situations worry isn't important at all

worry and anxiety become too dangerous when they stop you from act , they immobilize you rather than being inspired to act 

  they create a lot of stress on your mind and body and effect greatly your health they become more dangerous and become uncontrolled when they form ANXIETY DISORDER




  look inside what causing worry and write it and  the reasons that keep these worries away from you and know the truth of every event you experience and don't follow untrue emotions another way is to discuss the problem with a friend  



assess the problem and decide is the situation under your control or not ? is the threat is real or not ? are   you magnifying the problem or not ? and decide what action you will take  



 plan out the obstacles and write them down and figure out the part of them that under your control and decide  what action will you take to keep you a safe from these tackles that will hinder your progress and well-being



after you did all you can to keep the tackle away from you LET IT GO like any other thing in life it is easier said than done if you face any worries , you can remind your self with what u adapt your self to do or try some stress management like prayers , mediation , journaling about your feeling , listening to music or doing a  , regular exercise or talk to a friend 




 it was found in a study that among the participants about 96% use prayer to relief their stress , the more u do prayer on time the more you feel better and you can relief your stress and the less you visit the doctor
 the persons who do their prayer are less afraid from the life issues and believe instead in the afterlife and know well the end of life of anyone which is death so they face no worries and feel greater with well-being and safe deep inside

 the advantages of prayer are the same in old and young people

  • better health
  • less stress
  • less hypertension
  • more positive feeling
  • less depression
  • physiological well-being feeling
  • feel superior ability to handle stress

 you can ask Allah to solve your problems he has the greatest ability to solve any problem do your prayer on time and ask Allah , every thing will be good god willing

how to ask allah

first do your prayer on time then express your gratitude to all his blesses and even the problem you face and make a gratitude journal that is where you notice all that is good on your life and write about it

 be intrinsic and optimistic and be confident in Allah
and dedicate your life to Allah and become a good person

use law of attraction
what you focus is what you attract



meditation is highly recommended to relief stress and manage it and it can reduce stress and anxiety and have many benefits to the mind and body and can increase immunity to diseases

 there is many technique by which meditation tackle stress

  • Quiet Mind 

 meditation provide the person with quiet mind rather than focusing on problems and let the voice on your head be quiet

  • Being In Now 

rather than focusing on past and future , meditation involve focusing on now and forgetting all the problem in future and in the past , it involve  focusing on every moment and let it go and experience another

  •  Alter State Of Consciousness  

meditation train the person to focus on now not the past nor the future. it increase state of happiness and positive thoughts and emotion
evidence prove that regular training meditation bring progress in the area of positive thoughts and emotion

         :Types Of Meditation

  • Concentrative 

  • Non Concentrative 

in concentrative you focus on certain object :candle flame , sound of particular instrument or particular mantra

non concentrative involve concentration on wider area : sounds in the environment around you or your
internal body state or your own breath

Basic Meditation Technique 

sit in comfortable place and try to quiet your mind by thinking of nothing . it is not easy if you don't have practice with it the first good way to begin is to notice your thoughts and observe the voice in your  head but don't engage it just let it go that's the basic idea

  • Focused Meditation Technique 

with this technique you focus on something but don't engage thoughts about it something visual like statue
 something auditory like ocean waves or some thing constant like your own breath  this kind of  techniques involve focus on  the present  and circumventing the voice in your head and allow you to slip into alter state
of consciousness

  •  Activity oriented meditation technique 

 .it involve engaging you in activity and think of your internal body or your own breath or mentra meditation
activities like gardening , walking , youga all can be effective form of meditation

  • Mindfulness Technique 

it simple look like activity oriented meditation but doesn't really look like meditation . it involve focusing on now rather than future or past it involve focusing on sensations you feel where  you feel them in your body focus on emotion where you feel them in your body it is very beneficial to treat stress and anxiety

  • Spiritual Meditation 

meditation can be also  spiritual where god speaks to every who do this practice one should make his mind quiet first then listen to inner wisdom and inner guidance you can mediate on a single question and the answer  will come immediately or mediate to clear your mind and accept what is come to you



 journaling is to explore your feeling and thoughts about the events and write them down on a dairy journal one must write the thoughts in details so journaling is considered an efficient tool for self exploration and stress management

journaling clarifies thoughts  and feeling and becomes an efficient tool for  self-knowledge and problem solving tool .journaling in traumatic incidents can explore thoughts and feeling involved in the incident and involves both mind  hemisphere so allow the incident to be fully understood and integrated to one 's mind

journaling also decreases symptoms of asthma , arthritis , improves cognitive functioning , strengthens  , immune system , preventing host of illness , counteracts  negative effect of stress

unlike other stress management techniques journaling require only  a computer or pen and paper and can be used for disabled and doesn't require teacher or therapist and it is great tool for self-knowledge and emotional healing



music can enhance person 's health in the so-called music therapy .it can relief stress and  it doesn't take  time  from your busy schedule it also reduce stress during the day and provide you with wonderful backdrop during your day

you can use it during the morning , the commute , cooking , eating , cleaning , paying pills , before bed

it help you to keep stress level down and you feel great during your day and you will get enough sleep start your day in the morning active and you will feel overall enhancement in your health



if you face a sever stress or anxiety you can forget all your proplems and enjoy cinema alone or with a friend . cinema will clarify your mind and you will focus instead on the movie or the play your mind in the end will be evacuated you will feel better



sit in comfortable place and start reading an  exciting book this will help you relief your stress and focus on the book you can read book in self-development or ways to deal with anxiety or story all will help you relief your stress



 exercise is an extremely effective stress reliever for several reasons 
first of all , it reduces stress hormone like cortisone and increase endorphin so you feel yoour body's "good chemicals  " and  your mood will be boosted . it also distract your attention from your problems into the physical    activity you do in the zen-like state .it also helps you to loose weight and you will look better and  your self confidence and self-esteem will be improved . sports also can help you gain  new friends and they will push you into more workout .the overall result of sports is improvement in your health and gaining new friends and  the stress will be relieved into the lowest level



it depend on the severity of the situation u can call a friend or therapist that will  help you with an outside look to the event and help you with a more helpful and wise advises so you can handle even the biggest problem

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