Sunday, November 11, 2012

human needs

Human Needs

According To Maslow

Maslow 's Hierarchy of Needs theory explains the needs of any human during all stages of his growth . this theory parallel many theories in human development consists of psychological needs , safety , belongingness and love , Esteem and Self Actualization at the top of the hierarchy. 

Maslow studied the biography of many shiny people he called exemplary people  such as  Jane Addams, Eleanor Roosevelt , Albert Einstein and Frederic Douglass. He doesn't study Mentally ill , Unhealthy , immature people which may cripple psychology. he also studied the top 1% healthiest population of student population   

Mass Law Hierarchy Of Needs consists of the fundamental needs at the bottom and the need for transcendence at the top 
the first four need physiological , safety needs , love and belonging , esteem needs are called deficiency needs or D-needs the lack of it leads to from unpleasant feeling to death 

the rest of needs called growth needs or being needs (B-needs) that is the need to knowledge , aesthetics , self-actualization and transcendence , deficiency in it may leads to unhappy life  

1-Biological and Physiological needs:

They consist of  the basic life needs which are , oxygen, food , drink, shelter , sleep , sex, medication and many other things. These are needed for normal biological and physiological processes of the body just to keep going on the life in a normal way.

2- Security Needs

Security needs mean the need to protection , security, safeness , peace , orders,  laws and limits , employment , health insurance and shelters . they are required also for well-being

3-Love and Belonging

 The need to love and be loved... that includes the love and belonging to your family, your friends , your relationships with the other sex . This can be summarized to be a social person and beloved person. If person doesn't fulfill these needs he will feel isolated and lonely. 

4-Esteem Needs

These involve two parts ; the first part is the need to know the opinion of other people in you , the other part is the self-respect that means what do you think of your self . The second part is the more important as the person can dominate it 100%.

5-Cognitive Needs

that's the need to know. A state in which person loves so much the knowledge and understands the universe around him . This can be explained by the need of person to satisfy this part of needs, Cognitive Needs,  in his personality this includes college , also watching educational channels , read books , watching educational videos   

6-Aesthetics Needs

Aesthetics needs involve the person who love to make music , beautiful pictures , take interesting photos. also beautiful appearance  to other people  


Self-actualization in which the person knows the potential of any human and well realize it,  so you found him wants and works to achieve anything he desire like being Athlete , painter , photographer or inventor , to reach this level of needs person must not only satisfy the other needs but master them too  


Transcendence means the person goes beyond himself and search for his ideal self. you will found him search to help other peoples to achieve their own success 

After achieving the first four needs, you will be able to only cope with the life...

The second four needs through it You Can Achieve Happy Life!

Good Luck

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