Friday, February 15, 2013

بما ان مفيش حد يبدخل على المدونة المعفنة 

عايز اقول كل اللى نفسى فيه ...

ان شاء الله واحد بس يقراه ...

المهم انا متنسيش ...

ابقى جزء من ذاكرة واحد ما ...

علشان انا فعلا قلقان 

لحسن اكون "لاشئ "

 لا تتنهد

لا لا لا تتنهد بعد شويه الضحكه تعود 

والنار اللي بصدرك تبرد لا لا لا تتنهد 

لا والله لا والله لا ماعندي حدود لاحساسي 

انا عاشق من قدمي لراسي 

انا كل لحظه معاك اتجدد لا تتنهد 

لا لا لا تتنهد بعد شويه الضحكه تعود 

والنار اللي بصدرك تبرد لا لا لا تتنهد 

اذكر ليله اذكر ليله ماغازلتك 

صارت فوق خدودي دمعتك 

لا وعيونك مااتقصد لا تتنهد 

لا لا لا تتنهد بعد شويه الضحكه تعود 

والنار اللي بصدرك تبرد لا لا لا تتنهد 

يتبع ...

Sunday, February 3, 2013

مصر يا اما يا بهيه .. يا ام طرحة و جلابية
الزمن شاب و أنت شابه .. هو رايح و انتى جايه
جايه فوق الصعب ماشية
فات عليكى ليل و ميه
واحتمالك هوهو و ابتسامتك هي هي
تضحكي للصبح يصبح
بعد ليله و مغربيه
تطلع الشمس تلاقيكى معجبانية و صبية
يا بهية

Friday, February 1, 2013

Importance of Water in diet

generally speaking,

the function of water

first, it is essential for human's life.drinking plenty of water can be very beneficial in human 's diet as it makes you feel not hungry and very useful in burning processes inside the body. so be sure to take enough water during diet and exercise.

الطيور السويسرية

حملت جرائدي العربية
وجلست لأقرأها
على ضفاف بحيرة جنيف
هربت مئات الطيور، مذعورة
كأنها خافت على ثقافة أولادها
من عناوين جرائدي..
وأخبار بلادي...

Sunday, November 11, 2012

human needs

Human Needs

According To Maslow

Maslow 's Hierarchy of Needs theory explains the needs of any human during all stages of his growth . this theory parallel many theories in human development consists of psychological needs , safety , belongingness and love , Esteem and Self Actualization at the top of the hierarchy. 

Maslow studied the biography of many shiny people he called exemplary people  such as  Jane Addams, Eleanor Roosevelt , Albert Einstein and Frederic Douglass. He doesn't study Mentally ill , Unhealthy , immature people which may cripple psychology. he also studied the top 1% healthiest population of student population   

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Love, Wealth and Success

Love, Wealth and Success

A woman came out of her house and saw three old men with long white beards sitting in her front yard. She did not recognize them. She said, "I don't think I know you, but you must be hungry. Please come in and have something to eat." 

"Is the man of the house home?" they asked. "No", she said. "He's out." 

"Then we cannot come in", they replied.

In the evening when her husband came home, she told him what had happened. "Go tell them I 
am home and invite them in," he said.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Signs Of Love

Signs that show someone 
fell in love with you

Love Of course is the prettiest in the whole Universe that's where you can find the Safeness and the Warmth and the brighter future, so we should know who we truly love and who we illusory love and know who truly loves us and wishes us the best and know who really hates us. so we will start with signs and gestures that clarify someone fell in love with us