Wednesday, September 26, 2012

تنظيم وادارة الوقت

ادارة الوقت Time Management

السؤال الصعب :

مالذى ستفعلة ان اكتشفت ان امامك ستة اشهر فقط ستحياها على الارض ؟!

لعل السؤال به شئ من الغرابة والتشاؤم وربما من الالم كذلك لكن سينير لنا بعض الحقائق.

هل فكرت اذا كان متبقى من عمرك تلك الايام مع من ستقضيها؟ و كيف ستقضيها؟ ومالاعمال التى ستسارع بفعلها؟ومالامور التى ستهب بلا ابطاء لانجازها او اصلاحها او تعديلها. 

اجابتك على هذا السؤال ستضئ لك جانب مظلم من تفكيرك.  

Saturday, September 22, 2012

values and take decision

Tell the Truth

the advice  to all who want to take decision is to consider your values and to take the path which would be in alignment with your highest self. The implications of the path shouldn’t hinder  your decision, because ultimately your values should be the ones guiding your decision making, not the consequences. It’s a matter of learning to break down and manage the consequences as they come along.

the “right” thing meant telling the truth, even if it meant that you had to face the not-so-pleasant consequences

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Lessons We Can Learn from The Kardashians

7 lessons we can learn from 
kardashians on life and success

?Who are the Kardashians

Well, the Kardashians are a family of eight with their own reality TV series in America,Keeping Up with the Kardashians (KUWTK), which features their personal and professional lives. The series premiered in 2007 and has since catapulted the individual family members to fame; today it’s in its seventh season and has been renewed through the ninth season. The success of KUWTK has led to multiple spin-offs, all of which have done well.
The Kardashians have essentially built an entire business empire around the ‘Kardashian’ name. The sisters, in particular, are media magnets, with Kim being the lead figure. They repeatedly hog the headlines of tabloid magazines, appear in fashion magazines, and endorse products. They have launched perfumes and written a book, all of which have sold well. They even have clothing lines with mega brands Sears, QVC, and Bebe (discontinued).

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

How to Fight Fear and Anxiety


  • Distract yourself from the worry and anxiety by taking time out. Do something to help you physically relax, such as taking a walk or a bath, or sitting down and sipping a cup of herbal tea. Allow your body to calm down. Anxiety is often accompanied by sweating palms,increased pulse and muscle tension. Force yourself to relax until the physical symptoms subside.

  • 20 Ways To Live Your Life To The Fullest

    How do you feel about your life today? Are you living every day in exuberance? Do you love what you’re doing? Are you excited every single moment? Are you looking forward to what’s coming up next? Are you living your best life?

    Tuesday, September 18, 2012

    beautiful quotes

    كيف تفكر بايجابية ؟؟

    كيف تفكر بايجابية ؟؟

    ما نفكر به يؤثر علينا باشكال مختلفة . عندما نفكر بسلبية فذلك يؤدى بنا الى نتائج سلبية وعندما نفكر بايجابية فان ذلك يؤدى بنا الى نتائج ايجابية بديهيا لابد ان نعلم الحقيقة التى نتعامل معها ويجب ان نتعلم كيف نحافظ على افكارنا ايجابية وهذا شئ صعب شيئا ما  وخصوصا عندما نتعامل مع عقبات و مع تفكير سلبى استمر لسنوات. سواء تفكيرك ايجابى او سلبى حول العالم من حولك فان الامر يتطلب منك بعض المجهود والانتباة للتحكم فى افكارك